Thursday, April 29, 2010

Greek Pasta Salad - Revisited

I had actually had made another version of this salad recipe a few years ago with slight variations, but since I wanted to pass this recipe around, I thought I would post the recipe I brought into work today:

Greek Pasta Salad - Revisited

Greek Pasta Salad

  • 1 English Cucumber, Seeded
  • 1 Package Grape or Cherry Tomatoes, (Sliced Optional)
  • 1 Jar Black Olives
  • 1 Small Red Onion
  • 1 Package Pasta (Fuselli, Rotini, etc)
  • 1 Green Pepper
  • 1 Small Bottle Kraft Mediterranean Dressing
  • Extra Dressing / Seasoning
  • Crumbled Feta Cheese
  1. Put on your pasta for the boil, you will need to have this cooked and washed in cold water after cooking as this is a cold pasta.
  2. Cut and prep all your veggies (I chose to keep them julienne and cubed) and place them into a large salad bowl and lightly toss.
  3. Add your pasta to the veggies and top with salad dressing. Toss Well.
  4. The flavours will set over night even better if you choose, serving it right away is also a great option.
  5. Top with Crumbled feta and enjoy!
As the summer starts to creep up on us (not that we mind) I'm sure more great salad recipes will be popping up.



marla {Family Fresh Cooking} said...

I love greek pasta! Any left for lunch today? I'll take it :)

marla {Family Fresh Cooking} said...
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Naho @ Scrumptious Foods said...

Gave it all out at work lol! But I will be sure to save you some next time :)!!