I must apologize for being two weeks late on my blog posts. It's been rather hectic the last little bit and there is more to come. With it being wedding and shower season, not to mention upcoming birthdays and the end of the school year, it’s been crazy.
Recently I've wanted to create my own recipes. Many of the things I bake and cook are from various recipes I come across or sometimes just trying it out as a go. I've never really sat down and wrote out a recipe, so a few weeks ago I did.
I created a recipe for Sucre a la Crème Coffee Cake with a Maple Glaze; mind you I created them like cupcakes to have an individual feel. It's not bad, but it could use some tweaking, I will post the pics and the recipe when I get a chance this evening. Next I'm thinking I'd like to make a cookie recipe!
Last night I decided to bake some Chocolate Chip Banana Bread from the
Magnolia Bakery cookbook. I adore this series of cookbooks; they have such wonderful recipes that never fail. I will have to go home and take photos of the banana bread and post them on our
Scrumptious Foods flickr group as well as the next blog entry. The banana bread was moist, delicious and the chocolate chips gave little bit of decadence!
Do you have any original recipes of your own or any you are hoping to create? Let us know and don't forget to post photos @ our flickr group, we'd love to see them!
Naho @ Scrumptious Foods